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........................................................................................................................................................... Wahai Rabb kami, berilah kami rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah bagi kami petunjuk yang lurus dalam urusan kami. ........................................................................................................................................................... ...Wahai Rabb kami, berilah kami rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah bagi kami petunjuk yang lurus dalam urusan kami... registered & protected Protected by Copyscape Online Plagiarism Software

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This is the way!!!

Hi, I will not use FB for further, coz the facebook has funded money for attack Gaza Palestine... so, i wonder if i still have facebook account, it would be dilemma for me... oh noooo

But, I need a couple or triple or more weeks to delete it.. arrgghh...

cuma merenungi qs 4:89, 2:109, 2:120, 5:51.

it's my right then,,

udah cape cari pembenaran atas hidupnya akun ini..
mgkn bermanfaat buat yg lain, tp..
bagiku sudah cukup sampai di sini.

i just awaken~
yes, it's easy to blame everything on the west
but in fact all focus should be on ourselves

then, i thought that... sy byk lalai thd Allah krn ini~

so, i hope what i wanna do make Allah satisfied~

Ala bi dzikrillaahi tathma innul quluub ~ 13:28

Inilah status terakhir saiia ,, klik aja buat liat lebih jelas,,



Rani Zaoldyeck said...

Eshu., secepatnya aku akan menghapus account ku juga.. Doakan saya !!!

~eshu said...

ok say ^_^

Since Facebook is Jewish owned and operated, Peres says it is an ideal tool to silence criticism of Israel, and to spread holo-hoax propaganda.

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